Life LAB Diagnostics by Conscious PROS offers solutions for assessing priorities, tracking progress, and analyzing growth to enhance personal well-being and development for individuals and professionals.

Life Improvement YOU CAN Clearly SEE

Showing Life Improvement – NOW POSSIBLE!

For the first time, life improvement is not just a feeling—it’s measurable.

The shift from abstract to quantifiable change is here.

Comparisons of Life Maps before and after life improvement work provides clear, visual evidence of personal growth, making life transformations both tangible and trackable.

Improvement, not just hope anymore. It’s measurable, it’s real, it’s NOW POSSIBLE!

Life LAB Services:

for Individuals

Life Inventory Assessments (LIA)

A tool offering a visual snapshot of your life, highlighting priorities and well-being across 13 areas.

for Professionals

Client PROGRESS Tracker PRO

A report showing measurable client progress, boosting credibility and encouraging testimonials and trust.

for Professionals


A report analyzing data from two Life Maps to show growth and changes, including client testimonials.

Track Your Progress, Transform Your Life.

Personal and professional growth has often been a “felt” experience rather than something you could quantify and measure—until now.

Life Improvement PRO Solutions:

“If you are professionally passionate about helping others improve their lives, then we are passionate about helping you.”


Let's chat about it.